AI Creative Summit: The Business of AI: Tools of the Trade – Where Artificial Intelligence Can Make a Real Difference
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16 November 2023 @ 09:50 – 10:35
BFI Southbank, London
CHAIR: The Business of AI: Tools of the Trade – Where Artificial Intelligence Can Make a Real Difference
AI Creative Summit
Discover how much of a game-changer AI and machine learning is, and how it’s benefitting broadcast businesses. We’ll ask the panel their views on: How is the industry looking to adapt? What technologies and AI tools have already been adopted and how do our panelists keep on top innovative technologies in such a rapidly evolving market place?
Where do our experts think the boundary is between Machine Learning and AI, and is there an argument that products which harness the power of Machine Learning are enough without going “full AI”?
What insights do this panel of leading industry technologists have, and do they have a strategy for pushing the technological boundaries further?
Panellists include:
- Connagh Flynn, Senior Insights Manager – Formula E
- Asa Bailey, Writer Director – BAILEY AI Film Company
- Danijela Horak, Head of Machine Learning – BBC R&D
- Sanjeevan Bala, Group Chief Data & AI Officer – ITV
- Philippe Petitpont, CEO & Co-Founder – Newsbridge
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