OS/2 Technical Interchange — Berlin, Germany — 19-23 September, 1994


PRESENTATION: OS/2 Multimedia Support
This session provides a lively, high-level look at the best PC based multimedia development platform available today. Get an insider’s view of the award-winning MMPM/2’s architecture and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). There are also plenty of exciting live code demonstrations including play-back, recording and editing of both audio and video.
PRESENTATION: OS/2 Multimedia Applications and Architecture
Attend this session and gain a better understanding of OS/2’s existing multimedia capabilities. Also included in this presentation is an overview of the MMPM/2 APIs, and information on the multimedia toolkit base applets.
PRESENTATION: OS/2 Software Motion Video
Desktop video is today’s hottest new technology, don’t get left out in the cold! In this session, you will see samples of the Ultimotion and Indeo video formats supported in standard OS/2. You will also get to see all the features and functions of Video In, the new OS/2 video recording and editing application.
PRESENTATION: Video Accelerator Support in the Display Driver
Learn how to exploit the new generation of video accelerators. New generic, non code-specific abilities in graphic controllers plus new video accelerator chips that provide YUV to GRB conversion, scaling, pixel replication, etc. are the new wave of technology for display drivers. This session will cover architecture and experience.